Department of Materials Engineering
    School of Engineering
    The University of Tokyo

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[Japanese version]   
last update, 11 Feb, 2025   
196. K. Konishi, Y. Shibuta, M. Ohno*,
"Molecular dynamics simulation of solute trapping and
drag in rapidly solidified Al-Cu alloys"

Computational Materials Science, 251 (2025) 113763.

195. T. Yazawa, Y. Shibuta, M. Ohno*,
"Molecular dynamics simulation of excess vacancy formation
during rapid solidification of pure metals"

Computational Materials Science, 247 (2025) 113510.

194. R. Sato*, S. Kawakami, H. Ejima, T. Ujii, K. Sato, T. Ichiki, Y. Shibuta
"Dynamic Correlation Analysis between Stress-Strain Curve and
Polymer Film Structure Using Persistent Homology"

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 20 (2024) 10798-10806.
[doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.4c01418] (press release)

193. Y. Shibuta*, R. Isozaki, R. Sato
"Atomistic modeling of fcc-to-bcc phase transformation"
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Steel Science
(ISSS 2024)
Pages 129-134

192. X. Zhang, L. Zhang*, Y. Wan, Y. Shibuta, X. Huang
"Predicting the grain boundary segregation energy of solute atoms in
aluminum by first-principles calculation and machine learning"

Materials Today Communications, 41 (2024) 110326.

191. L. Zhang*, Z. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. Shibuta, X. Huang
"Structural evolution and mechanical response of multiple
Al Σ5(210) grain boundaries with segregation of
solute atoms: First-principles study"

Materialia, 37 (2024) 102193.

190. K. Noda, Y. Shibuta*
"Predicting long-term trends in physical properties from
short-term molecular dynamics simulations
using long short-term memory"

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 36 (2024) 385902.

189. Q. Kong, Y. Shibuta*
"Advancing thermal conductivity prediction of metallic materials by
integrating molecular dynamics simulation with machine learning"

Materials Transactions, 65 (2024) 790-797.

188. Y. Shibuta*
"Molecular dynamics of solidification"
ISIJ International, 64 (2024) 1107-1124.
(review article)

187. G. Kim, T. Takaki, Y. Shibuta, H. Ko, M. Ohno*
"Morphological diversity in directionally-solidified microstructures
with varying anisotropy of solid-liquid interfacial free energy"

Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 30 (2024) 4044-4052.

186. T. Takaki*, Y. Mitsuyama, S. Sakane, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Aoki
"Computing the permeability of tilted columnar dendrites
with phase-field and lattice Boltzmann methods"

International Journal of Thermofluids, 22 (2024) 100649.

185. Q. Kong, Y. Shibuta*
"Predicting materials properties with generative models:
applying generative adversarial networks for heat flux generation"

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 36 (2024) 195901.

184. H. Suzuki, H. Ejima, I. Ohnishi, T. Ichiki, Y. Shibuta*
"Molecular dynamics simulation of adhesion of additive molecules in
paint materials toward enhancement of anticorrosion performance"

ACS Omega, 9 (2024) 4656-4663.
[doi:10.1021/acsomega.3c07902] (press release)

183. R. Isozaki, Y. Shibuta*
"Molecular dynamic simulation of kinetics of fcc-bcc heterointerface
in phase transformation of iron and carbon steel"

ISIJ International, 64 (2024) 184-191.

182. H. Fukuda, H. Kuramochi*, Y. Shibuta, T. Ichiki*
"Analysis of Brownian motion trajectories of non-spherical
nanoparticles using deep learning"

APL Machine Learning, 1 (2023) 046104.
[doi:10.1063/5.0160979] (press release)

181. K. Sase, Y. Shibuta*
"Prediction of microstructure evolution at the atomic scale
by deep generative model in combination with recurrent neural networks"

Acta Materialia, 259 (2023) 119295.

180. K. Noda, Y. Shibuta*
"Prediction of potential energy profiles of molecular dynamic simulation
by graph convolutional networks"

Computational Materials Science, 229 (2023) 112448.

179. R. Yamada, J. Lee, T. Takaki, Y. Shibuta, M. Ohno*
"Dependence of eutectic fraction on inclination angle of columnar dendrite
structures in Al-3 mass% Cu alloy analyzed by phase-field simulation"

ISIJ International, 63 (2022) 1108-1113.

178. L. Chalamet, D. Rodney, Y. Shibuta*
"Coarse-grained molecular dynamic model for metallic materials"
Computational Materials Science, 228 (2023) 112306.

177. K. Sakaushi*, Y. Shibuta
"Data-assimilation-based algorithm to unveil electrode processes"
Denki Kagaku, 91 (2023) 169-177. [in Japanese]

176. Q. Kong, Y. Shibuta*
"High-precision prediction of thermal conductivity of metals by molecular
dynamics simulation in combination with machine learning approach"

Materials Transactions, 64 (2023) 1241-1249.

175. E. Miyoshi*, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, A. Yamanaka, T. Takaki
"Validating a mean-field theory via large-scale phase-field simulations for abnormal
grain growth induced by nonuniform grain boundary properties"

Journal of Materials Science, 57 (2022) 16690-16709.

174. B. Cheng, J. Yu, T. Arisawa, K. Hayashi, J.J. Richardson, Y. Shibuta, H. Ejima*
"Ultrastrong underwater adhesion on diverse substrates
using non-canonical phenolic groups"

Nature Communications, 13 (2022) 1892.
[doi:10.1038/s41467-022-29427-w] (press release)

173. G. Kim, R. Yamada, T. Takaki, Y. Shibuta, M. Ohno*
"Inverse analysis of anisotropy of solid-liquid interfacial free energy
based on machine learning"

Computational Materials Science, 207 (2022) 111294.

172. K. Sakaushi*, A. Watanabe, T. Kumeda, Y. Shibuta
"Fast-decoding algorithm for electrode processes at electrified interfaces
by mean-field kinetic model and Bayesian data assimilation:
An active-data-mining approach for the efficient search
and discovery of electrocatalysts"

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14 (2022) 22889-22902.
[doi:10.1021/acsami.1c21038] (press release)

171. K. Ueno, S. Fukuhara, Y. Shibuta*
"Temperature dependence of solid-liquid interfacial energy for pure metals
by metadynamics-based simulations"

Materials Transactions, 63 (2022) 209-216.

170. R. Yamada, M. Kudo, G. Kim, T. Takaki, Y. Shibuta, M. Ohno*
"Time invariance of three-dimensional morphology of
equiaxed dendrite: A phase-field study"

Computational Materials Science, 204 (2022) 111173.

169. T. Takaki*, S. Sakane, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Aoki
"Phase-field study on an array of tilted columnar dendrites
during the directional solidification of a binary alloy"

Computational Materials Science, 203 (2022) 111143.

168. X. Qiang, Y. Iwamoto, A. Watanabe, T. Kameyama,
X. He, T. Kaneko, Y. Shibuta, T. Kato*
"Non-classical nucleation in vapor-liquid-solid growth of monolayer WS2
revealed by in-situ monitoring chemical vapor deposition"

Scientific Reports, 11 (2021) 22285.
[doi:10.1038/s41598-021-01666-9] (press release)

167. S. Fukuhara, Y. Shibuta*
"Free energy surface of initial cap formation in carbon nanotube growth"
Nanoscale Advances, 3 (2021) 6191-6196.

166. E. Miyoshi*, M.Ohno, Y. Shibuta, A. Yamanaka, T. Takaki
"Novel estimation method for anisotropic grain boundary properties based on
Bayesian data assimilation and phase-field simulation"

Materials & Design, 210 (2021) 110089.

165. Y. Nagatsuma, M.Ohno, T. Takaki, Y. Shibuta*
"Bayesian data assimilation of temperature dependence of
solid-liquid interfacial properties of nickel"

Nanomaterials, 11 (2021) 2308.
(selected as Editor's Choice)

164. L. Zhang*, K. Qian, J. Huang, M. Liu, Y. Shibuta
"Molecular dynamics simulation and machine learning of mechanical
response in non-equiatomic FeCrNiCoMn high entropy alloy"

Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 13 (2021) 2043-2054.

163. L. Zhang*, K. Qian, B.W. Schuller, Y. Shibuta
"Prediction on mechanical properties of non-equiatomic high-entropy alloy
by atomistic simulation and machine learning"

Metals, 11 (2021) 922.

162. H. Ebina, S. Fukuhara, Y. Shibuta*
"Accelerated molecular dynamics simulation of vacancy diffusion
in substitutional alloy with collective variable-driven hyperdynamics"

Computational Materials Science, 196 (2021) 110577.

161. M. Tsunawaki, S. Fukuhara, Y. Shibuta*
"Hierarchical clustering of structural and electronic characteristics
obtained from molecular dynamics simulation of
catalytic reaction on metal nanoparticle"

Materials Transactions, 62 (2021) 829-835.

160. J. Lee , M. Ohno*, Y. Shibuta, T. Takaki
"Uniquely selected primary dendrite arm spacing during
competitive growth of columnar grains in Al-Cu alloy"

Journal of Crystal Growth, 558 (2021) 126014.

159. S. Fukuhara*, K.M. Bal*, E.C. Neyts, Y. Shibuta
"Entropic and enthalpic factors determining the thermodynamics and kinetics
of carbon segregation from transition metal nanoparticles"

Carbon, 171 (2021) 806-813.

158. E. Miyoshi, T. Takaki*, S. Sakane, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Aoki
"Large-scale phase-field study of anisotropic grain growth:
Effects of misorientation-dependent grain boundary energy and mobility"

Computational Materials Science, 186 (2021) 109992.

157. K.M. Bal*, S. Fukuhara, Y. Shibuta, E.C. Neyts
"Free energy barriers from biased molecular dynamics simulations"
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 153 (2020) 114118.

156. K. Ueno, Y. Shibuta*
"Solid-liquid interfacial energy for Fe-Cr alloy under temperature gradient
from molecular dynamics simulation"

ISIJ International, 60 (2020) 2301-2305.

155. C. Guo, T. Takaki*, S. Sakane, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Mohri
"Overgrowth behavior at converging grain boundaries during competitive
grain growth: A two-dimensional phase-field study"

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 160 (2020) 120196.

154. T. Fukuya, Y. Shibuta*
"Machine learning approach to automated analysis of atomic
configuration of molecular dynamics simulation"

Computational Materials Science, 184 (2020) 109880.

153. L. Zhang*, Y. Shibuta
"Inverse Hall-Petch relationship of high-entropy alloy
by atomistic simulation"

Materials Letters, 274 (2020) 128024.

152. M. Ohno*, Y. Oka, S. Sakane, Y. Shibuta, T. Takaki
"Bayesian inference of solid-liquid interfacial properties out of equilibrium"
Physical Review E, 101 (2020) 052121.

151. T. Fujinaga, Y. Watanabe, Y. Shibuta*
"Nucleation dynamics in Al solidification with Al-Ti refiners
by molecular dynamics simulation"

Computational Materials Science, 182 (2020) 109763.

150. S. Sakane, T. Takaki*, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Aoki
"Two-dimensional large-scale phase-field lattice Boltzmann
simulation of polycrystalline equiaxed solidification
with motion of a massive number of dendrites"

Computational Materials Science, 178 (2020) 109639.

149. M. Ohno*, Y. Shibuta, T. Takaki
"High performance computing of solidification microstructures
and emergence of cross-scale approach"

Materia Japan, 59 (2020) 139-144. [in Japanese]

148. Y. Mitsuyama, T. Takaki*, S. Sakane, Y. Shibuta, M. Ohno
"Permeability tensor for columnar dendritic structures:
Phase-field and lattice Boltzmann study"

Acta Materialia, 188 (2020) 282-287.

147. S. Fukuhara*, K.M. Bal, E.C. Neyts, Y. Shibuta
"Accelerated molecular dynamics simulation of large systems with
parallel collective variable-driven hyperdynamics"

Computational Materials Science, 177 (2020) 109581.

146. S. Orihara, Y. Shibuta*, T. Mohri
"Molecular dynamics simulation of nucleation from
undercooled melt of nickel-aluminum alloy and
discussion on polymorphism in nucleation"

Materials Transactions, 61 (2020) 750-757.

145. L. Zhang*, W. Mao, M. Liu, Y. Shibuta
"Mechanical response and plastic deformation of coherent twin boundary
with perfect and defective structures"

Mechanics of Materials, 141 (2020) 103266.

144. T. Narumi*, Y. Shibuta, T. Yoshikawa
"Molecular dynamics study of the effect of carbon atoms
on the surface tension of silicon-carbon alloy"

ISIJ International, 60 (2020) 199-204.

143. E. Miyoshi, T. Takaki*, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta
"Accuracy evaluation of phase-field models for grain growth simulation
with anisotropic grain boundary properties"

ISIJ International, 60 (2020) 160-167.

142. T. Takaki*, S. Sakane, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Aoki
"Large-scale phase-field lattice Boltzmann study on the effects of
natural convection on dendrite morphology
formed during directional solidification of a binary alloy"

Computational Materials Science, 171 (2020) 109209.

141. Y. Mitsuyama, T. Takaki*, S. Sakane, Y. Shibuta, M. Ohno
"Permeability tensor for various columnar dendrite structures"
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 861 (2020) 012029.

140. T. Fujinaga, Y. Shibuta*
"Molecular dynamics simulation of heterogeneous nucleation
from concave cavity at surface of grain refiner"

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 861 (2020) 012053.

139. K. Ueno*, Y. Shibuta
"Molecular dynamics study of composition dependence of
solid-liquid interfacial energy of Fe-Ni binary alloy"

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 861 (2020) 012064.

2019 - 2015
138. S. Fukuhara*, M. Misawa, F. Shimojo, Y. Shibuta
"Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of ethanol dissociation reactions
on alloy catalysts in carbon nanotube growth"

Chemical Physics Letters, 731 (2019) 136619.

137. K. Ueno, Y. Shibuta*
"Composition dependence of solid-liquid interfacial energy of Fe-Cr binary alloy
from molecular dynamics simulations"

Computational Materials Science, 167 (2019) 1-7.

136. L. Zhang*, Y. Shibuta, C. Lu, X. Huang
"Interaction between nano-voids and migrating grain boundary
by molecular dynamics simulation"

Acta Materialia, 173 (2019) 206-224.

135. S. Sakane, T. Takaki*, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Aoki
"Acceleration of phase-field lattice Boltzmann simulation of dendrite growth
with thermosolutal convection by the multi-GPUs parallel computation
with multiple mesh and time step method"

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 27 (2019) 054004.

134. E. Miyoshi, T. Takaki*, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, S. Sakane, T. Aoki
"Large-scale phase-field simulation of three-dimensional isotropic grain growth
in polycrystalline thin films"

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 27 (2019) 054003.

133. Y. Shibuta*, S. Sakane, E. Miyoshi, T. Takaki, M. Ohno
"Micrometer-scale molecular dynamics simulation of microstructure formation
linked with multi-phase-field simulation in same space scale"

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 27 (2019) 054002.

132. T. Takaki*, S. Sakane, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta
"Competitive growth during directional solidification of a binary alloy
with natural convection: Two-dimensional phase-field study"

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 27 (2019) 054001.

131. T. Fujinaga, Y. Shibuta*
"Molecular dynamics simulation of athermal heterogeneous
nucleation of solidification"

Computational Materials Science, 164 (2019) 74-81.

130. S. Sakane, T. Takaki*, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta
"Simulation method based on phase-field lattice Boltzmann model for
longdistance sedimentation of single equiaxed dendrite"

Computational Materials Science, 164 (2019) 39-45.

129. G.W. Kim, T. Takaki, Y. Shibuta, S. Sakane, K. Matsuura, M. Ohno*
"A parametric study of morphology selection in equiaxed dendritic solidification"
Computational Materials Science, 162 (2019) 76-81.

128. Y. Shibuta*
"Estimation of thermodynamic and interfacial parameters of metallic materials
by molecular dynamics simulations"

Materials Transactions, 60 (2019) 180-188.

127. M. Ohno*, Y. Shibuta, T. Takaki
"Multi-phase-field modeling of transformation kinetics at multiple scales and
its application to welding of steel"

Materials Transactions, 60 (2019) 170-179.

126. T. Takaki*, S. Sakane, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Aoki
"Permeability prediction for flow normal to columnar solidification structures
by large-scale simulations of phase-field and lattice Boltzmann methods"

Acta Materialia, 164 (2019) 237-249.

125. L. Zhang*, Y. Shibuta, X. Huang, C. Lu, M. Liu
"Grain boundary induced deformation mechanisms in nanocrystalline Al
by molecular dynamics simulation: from interatomic potential perspective"

Computational Materials Science, 156 (2019) 421-433

124. T. Fujinaga*, Y. Shibuta
"Molecular dynamics simulation of heterogeneous nucleation
via grain refiner inoculated in aluminium melt"

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 529 (2019) 012047.

123. K. Ueno*, Y. Shibuta
"Semi-grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation
for derivation of thermodynamic properties of binary alloy"

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 529 (2019) 012037.

122. K. Ueno, Y. Shibuta*
"Solute partition at solid-liquid interface of binary alloy
from molecular dynamics simulation"

Materialia, 4 (2018) 553-557.

121. L. Zhang*, Y. Shibuta, C. Lu, X. Huang
"Atomistic simulation of the interaction between point defects and twin boundary"
Physica Status Solidi B, 255 (2018) 1800228.
(selected as Back cover of Phys. Status Solidi B 9/2018)
(Introduced in Advanced Science News)

120. Y. Shibuta*, M. Ohno, T. Takaki
"Advent of cross-scale modeling: High-performance computing of
solidification and grain growth"

Advanced Theory and Simulations, 1 (2018) 1800065.
(invited progress report)
(selected as Cover picture of Adv. Theory Simul. 9/2018)

119. E. Miyoshi, T. Takaki*, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, S. Sakane, T. Shimokawabe, T. Aoki
"Correlation between three-dimensional and cross-sectional characteristics of
ideal grain growth: large-scale phase-field simulation study"

Journal of Materials Science, 53 (2018) 15165-15180.

118. E. Miyoshi, T. Takaki*, Y. Shibuta, M. Ohno
"Bridging molecular dynamics and phase-field methods
for grain growth prediction"

Computational Materials Science, 152 (2018) 118-124.

117. T. Takaki*, S. Sakane, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Aoki, C.-A. Gandin
"Competitive grain growth during directional solidification
of a polycrystalline binary alloy:
Three-dimensional large-scale phase-field study"

Materialia, 1 (2018) 104-113.

116. T. Narumi*, Y. Shibuta, T. Yoshikawa
"Molecular dynamics simulation of interfacial growth of SiC
from Si-C solution on different growth planes"

Journal of Crystal Growth, 494 (2018) 36-43.

115. S. Okita, E. Miyoshi, S. Sakane, T. Takaki, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta*
"Grain growth kinetics in submicrometer-scale molecular dynamics simulation"
Acta Materialia, 153 (2018) 108-116.

114. B.M. Lowe*, C-K. Skylaris, N.G. Green, Y. Shibuta, T. Sakata*
"Molecular dynamics simulation of potentiometric sensor response:
effect of biomolecules, surface morphology and surface charge"

Nanoscale, 10 (2018) 8650-8666.

113. L. Zhang*, C. Lu, Y. Shibuta
"Shear response of grain boundary with metastable structures
by molecular dynamics simulation"

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 26 (2018) 035008.

112. T. Takaki*, R. Sato, R. Rojas, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta
"Phase-field lattice Boltzmann simulations of multiple dendrite growth with
motion, collision, and coalescence and subsequent grain growth"

Computational Materials Science, 147 (2018) 124-131.

111. B.M. Lowe, C-K. Skylaris, N.G. Green, Y. Shibuta, T. Sakata*
"Calculation of surface potentials at the silica-water interface
using molecular dynamics: challenges and opportunities"

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57 (2018) 04FM02.

110. S. Sakane, T. Takaki*, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Shimokawabe, T. Aoki
"Three-dimensional morphologies of inclined equiaxed dendrites growing
under forced convection by phase-field-lattice Boltzmann method"

Journal of Crystal Growth, 483 (2018) 147-155.

109. L. Zhang*, C. Lu*, K. Tieu, Y. Shibuta
"Dynamic interaction between grain boundary and stacking fault tetrahedron"
Scripta Materialia, 144 (2018) 78-83.

108. B. Xu, T. Kaneko, Y. Shibuta, T. Kato*
"Preferential synthesis of (6,4) single-walled carbon nanotubes
by controlling oxidation degree of Co catalyst"

Scientific Reports, 7 (2017) 11149.
(press release from Tohoku University)

107. M. Ohno*, T. Takaki, Y. Shibuta
"Variational formulation of a quantitative phase-field model for
nonisothermal solidification in a multicomponent alloy"

Physical Review E, 96 (2017) 033311.

106. Y. Maekawa, Y. Shibuta, T. Sakata*
"Effect of ionic atmosphere around DNA/electrolyte interface on potentiometric signal"
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164 (2017) B548-B552

105. Y. Shibuta*
"Molecular dynamics of microstructure formation and solidification process
for metallic materials (title in Japanese)"

Ensemble, 19(3) (2017) 158-164. [in Japanese]

104. R. Sato*, Y. Shibuta, F. Shimojo, S. Yamaguchi
"Effect of CO2 adsorption on proton migration on hydrated ZrO2 surface:
an ab initio molecular dynamic study"

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (2017) 20198-20205.

103. E. Miyoshi, T. Takaki*, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, S. Sakane, T. Shimokawabe, T. Aoki
"Ultra-large-scale phase-field simulation study of ideal grain growth"
npj Computational Materials, 3 (2017) 25.
(press release from KIT)

102. S.K. Deb Nath, Y. Shibuta*, M. Ohno, T. Takaki, T. Mohri
"A molecular dynamics study of partitionless solidification and melting of Al-Cu alloys"
ISIJ International, 57 (2017) 1774-1779.

101. S. Fukuhara*, F. Shimojo, Y. Shibuta
"Conformation and catalytic activity of nickel-carbon clusterfor ethanol dissociation
in carbon nanotube synthesis: ab initio molecular dynamics simulation"

Chemical Physics Letters, 679 (2017) 164-171.

100. Y. Shibuta*, S. Sakane, E. Miyoshi, S. Okita, T. Takaki, M. Ohno
"Heterogeneity in homogeneous nucleation from billion-atom molecular dynamics
simulation of solidification of pure metal"

Nature Communications, 8 (2017) 10.
[doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00017-5] (press release)

99. M. Ohno*, T. Takaki, Y. Shibuta
"Numerical testing of quantitative phase-field models with different polynomials
for isothermal solidification in binary alloys"

Journal of Computational Physics, 335 (2017) 621-636.

98. S. Okita, W. Verestek, S. Sakane, T. Takaki, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta*
"Molecular dynamics simulations investigating consecutive nucleation,
solidification and grain growth in a twelve-million-atom Fe-system"

Journal of Crystal Growth, 474 (2017) 140-145.

97. T. Takaki*, R. Rojas, S. Sakane, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Shimokawabe, T. Aoki
"Phase-field-lattice Boltzmann studies for dendritic growth with natural convection"
Journal of Crystal Growth, 474 (2017) 146-153.

96. S. Sakane, T. Takaki*, R. Rojas, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Shimokawabe, T. Aoki
"Multi-GPUs parallel computation of dendrite growth in forced convection
using the phase-field-lattice Boltzmann model"

Journal of Crystal Growth, 474 (2017) 154-159.

95. B.M. Lowe, Y. Maekawa, Y. Shibuta, T. Sakata, C-K. Skylaris, N.G. Green*
"Dynamic behaviour of the silica-water-bio electric double layer
in the presence of divalent electrolyte"

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (2017) 2687-2701.
(selected as Inside front cover picture of PCCP, Issue 4, 2017.)

94. K. Pongmorakot*, S. Nambu, Y. Shibuta, T. Koseki
"Investigation on the mechanism of steel/steel
solid-state bonding at low temperatures"

Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 22 (2017) 257-263.

93. S. Okita, Y. Shibuta*
"Grain growth in large-scale molecular dynamics simulation:
linkage between atomic configuration and von Neumann-Mullins relation"

ISIJ International, 56 (2016) 2199-2207.

92. T. Takaki*, S. Sakane, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Shimokawabe, T. Aoki
"Primary arm array during directional solidification of
a single-crystal binary alloy: Large-scale phase-field study"

Acta Materialia, 118 (2016) 230-243.

91. Y. Maekawa, Y. Shibuta*
"Dewetting dynamics of nickel thin film on alpha-quartz substrate:
a molecular dynamics study"

Chemical Physics Letters, 658 (2016) 30-36.

90. H. Suzuki, T. Kaneko, Y. Shibuta, M. Ohno, Y. Maekawa, T. Kato*
"Wafer-scale fabrication and growth dynamics of
suspended graphene nanoribbon arrays"

Nature Communications, 7 (2016) 11797.
[doi:10.1038/ncomms11797] (press release)

89. T. Takaki*, S. Sakane, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, T. Shimokawabe, T. Aoki
"Large-scale phase-field studies of three-dimensional dendrite competitive
growth at the converging grain boundary duringdirectional
solidification of a bicrystal binary alloy"

ISIJ International, 56 (2016) 1427-1435.

88. K. Shimamura*, Y. Shibuta, S. Ohmura, R. Arifin, F. Shimojo
"Dissociation dynamics of ethylene molecules on a Ni cluster
using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations"

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28 (2016) 145001.

87. T. Takaki*, M. Ohno, Y. Shibuta, S. Sakane, T. Shimokawabe, T. Aoki
"Two-dimensional phase-field study of competitive grain growth during
directional solidification of polycrystalline binary alloy"

Journal of Crystal Growth, 442 (2016) 14-24.

86. Y. Shibuta*, S. Sakane, T. Takaki, M. Ohno
"Submicrometer-scale molecular dynamics simulation of nucleation and
solidification from undercooled melt: linkage between
empirical interpretation and atomistic nature"

Acta Materialia, 105 (2016) 328-337.

85. M. Ohno*, T. Takaki, Y. Shibuta
"Variational formulation and numerical accuracy of a quantitative phase-field model
for binary alloy solidification with two-sided diffusion"

Physical Review E, 93 (2016) 012802.

84. S. Sugiura*, Y. Shibuta, K. Shimamura, M. Misawa, F. Shimojo, S. Yamaguchi
"Role of oxygen vacancy in dissociation of oxygen molecule on SOFC cathode:
ab initio molecular dynamics simulation "

Solid State Ionics, 285 (2016) 209-214.

83. R. Arifin*, Y. Shibuta, K. Shimamura, F. Shimojo
"First principles molecular dynamics simulation of graphene growth
on Nickel (111) surface"

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 128 (2016) 012032.

82. Y. Shibuta*, K. Oguchi, T. Takaki, M. Ohno
"Homogeneous nucleation and microstructure evolution
in million-atom molecular dynamics simulation"

Scientific Reports, 5 (2015) 13534.

81. R. Sato, S. Ohkuma, Y. Shibuta, F. Shimojo, S. Yamaguchi*
"Proton Migration on Hydrated Surface of Cubic ZrO2:
Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation"

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (2015) 28925-28933.

80. R. Arifin*, Y. Shibuta, K. Shimamura, F. Shimojo
"First principle calculation of CH4 decomposition on nickel (111) surface"
The European Physical Journal B, 88 (2015) 303.

79. Y. Shibuta*, K. Shimamura, R. Arifin, F. Shimojo
"Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of ethanol decomposition
on platinum cluster at initial stage of carbon nanotube growth"

Chemical Physics Letters, 636 (2015) 110-116.

78. Y. Shibuta*, M. Ohno, T. Takaki
"Solidification in a supercomputer: from crystal nuclei to dendrite assemblages"
JOM, 67 (2015) 1793-1804.
(reprint with cover picture, 5.3 MB)

77. R. Arifin*, Y. Shibuta, K. Shimamura, F. Shimojo, S. Yamaguchi
"Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of ethylene reaction
on nickel (111) surface"

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (2015) 3210-3216.

76. Y. Maekawa, Y. Shibuta, T. Sakata*
"Effect of double strand DNA on electrical double layer structure
at oxide/electrolyte interface in classical molecular dynamics simulation."

Chemical Physics Letters, 619 (2015) 152-157.

75. K. Shimamura*, R. Arifin, T. Oguri, Y. Shibuta, S. Ohmura, F. Shimojo, S. Yamaguchi
"Reaction of ethylene molecules with a nickel cluster:
ab initio molecular dynamics study"

Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 40 (2015) 215-218.

74. S. Sugiura*, Y. Shibuta, K. Shimamura, M. Misawa, F. Shimojo, S. Yamaguchi
"Ab Initio molecular dynamics simulation of oxygen adsorption
and electron transfer on SOFC cathode "

ECS Transactions, 68 (2015) 3229-3237 .

73. M. Ohno*, T. Takaki, Y. Shibuta
"Microsegregation in multicomponent alloy analysed by
quantitative phase-field model"

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 84 (2015) 012075.

2014 - 2011
72. Y. Maekawa, Y. Shibuta, T. Sakata*
"Distinctive potential behavior at oxidized surface of semiconductor device
in concentrated aqueous salt solution"

ChemElectroChem, 1 (2014) 1516-1524.
(selected as Cover picture of ChemElectroChem 9/2014 with Cover profile.)

71. Y. Shibuta*, R. Arifin, K. Shimamura, T. Oguri, F. Shimojo, S. Yamaguchi
"Low reactivity of methane on copper surface during graphene synthesis
via CVD process: ab initio molecular dynamics simulation"

Chemical Physics Letters, 610-611 (2014) 33-38.

70. Y. Maekawa, Y. Shibuta, T. Sakata*
"Elucidation of semiconductor/bio-interface structure with massive
classical molecular dynamics simulation"

Journal of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan, 65 (2014) 251-256. [in Japanese]

69. Y. Shibuta*, K. Oguchi, M. Ohno
"Million-atom molecular dynamics simulation on spontaneous evolution of anisotropy
in solid nucleus during solidification of iron"

Scripta Materialia, 86 (2014) 20-23.

68. T. Oguri, K. Shimamura, Y. Shibuta*, F. Shimojo, S. Yamaguchi
"Bond dissociation mechanism of ethanol during carbon nanotube synthesis via
alcohol catalytic CVD technique: ab initio molecular dynamics simulation"

Chemical Physics Letters, 595-596 (2014) 185-191.
(selected as Editor's Choice)

67. Y. Maekawa, Y. Shibuta, T. Sakata*
"Charge behaviors around oxide device/pseudo-physiological solution interface
with molecular dynamic simulations"

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 52 (2013) 127001.

66. L.W. Chen*, Y. Shibuta, M. Kambara, T. Yoshida
"Molecular dynamics simulation of the role of hydrogenated Si clusters
for fast rate mesoplasma epitaxy"

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46 (2013) 425302.

65. J.A. Elliott*, Y. Shibuta, H. Amara, C. Bichara, E.C. Neyts
"Atomistic modelling of CVD synthesis of carbon nanotubes and graphene"
Nanoscale, 5 (2013) 6662-6676.
(Feature article)

64. T. Oguri, K. Shimamura, Y. Shibuta*, F. Shimojo, S. Yamaguchi
"Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of dissociation of ethanol on nickel cluster:
understanding initial stage of metal-catalyzed growth of carbon nanotubes"

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (2013) 9983-9990.

63. Y. Shibuta*, R. Arifin, K. Shimamura, T. Oguri, F. Shimojo, S. Yamaguchi
"Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of dissociation of methane on nickel(111) surface:
unravelling initial stage of graphene growth via a CVD technique"

Chemical Physics Letters, 565 (2013) 92-97.
(selected as Editor's Choice Articles and Highly Cited Research 2016)

62. L.W. Chen*, Y. Shibuta, M. Kambara, T. Yoshida
"Nanocluster dynamics in fast rate epitaxy under mesoplasma condition"
Chemical Physics Letters, 564 (2013) 47-53.

61. Y. Shibuta*, T. Sato, T. Suzuki, H. Ohta, M. Kurata
"Morphology of uranium electrodeposits on cathode in electrorefining process:
a phase-field simulation"

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 436 (2013) 61-67.

60. T. Kawashima*, S. Miyoshi, Y. Shibuta, S. Yamaguchi
"Particle size dependence of polarization of Ni/YSZ cermet anodes for SOFCs"
Journal of Power Sources, 234 (2013) 147-153.

59. K. Shimamura*, T. Oguri, Y. Shibuta, S. Ohmura, F. Shimojo, S. Yamaguchi
"Ab initio study of dissociation reaction of ethylene molecules on nickel cluster"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 454 (2013) 012022.

58. Y. Shibuta*, K. Oguchi, T. Suzuki
"Large-scale molecular dynamics study on evolution of grain boundary groove of iron"
ISIJ International, 52 (2012) 2205-2209.

57. L.W. Chen*, Y. Shibuta, M. Kambara, T. Yoshida
"Molecular dynamics simulation of Si nanoclusters in high rate and low temperature epitaxy"
Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (2012) 123301.
(selected for the article in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 26, Issue 1)

56. K. Oguchi, Y. Shibuta*, T. Suzuki
"Accelerating Molecular Dynamics Simulation performed on GPU"
Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals, 76 (2012) 462-467. [in Japanese]

55. Y. Shibuta*, J.A. Elliott
"Interaction between graphene and nickel(111) surfaces with commensurate
and incommensurate orientational relationships"

Chemical Physics Letters, 538 (2012) 112-117.

54. Y. Shibuta*
"Phase transition of metal nanowires confined in a low-dimensional nanospace"
Chemical Physics Letters, 532 (2012) 84-89.

53. Y. Shibuta*
"A molecular dynamics study of effects of size and cooling rate
on the structure of molybdenum nanoparticles"

Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 7 (2012) 45-57.

52. Y. Shibuta*, J.A. Elliott
"Interaction between two graphene sheets with a turbostratic orientational relationship"
Chemical Physics Letters, 512 (2011) 146-150.
(selected as Editor's Choice)

51. S. Tateyama, Y. Shibuta*, T. Kumagai, T. Suzuki
"A molecular dynamics study of bidirectional phase transformation between bcc and fcc iron"
ISIJ International, 51 (2011) 1710-1716.

50. R. Hashimoto, Y. Shibuta*, T. Suzuki
"Estimation of solid-liquid interfacial energy from Gibbs-Thomson effect:
a molecular dynamics study"

ISIJ International, 51 (2011) 1664-1667.

49. Y. Shibuta*, S. Unoura, T. Sato, H. Shibata, M. Kurata, T. Suzuki
"A phase-field simulation of uranium dendrite growth on cathode in electrorefining process"
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 414 (2011) 114-119.

48. Y. Shibuta*
"A numerical approach to the metal-catalyzed growth process of carbon nanotubes"
Diamond and Related Materials, 20 (2011) 334-338.

47. Y. Shibuta*, T. Suzuki
"A molecular dynamics study of cooling rate during solidification of metal nanoparticles"
Chemical Physics Letters, 502 (2011) 82-86.

2010 - 2006
46. E.C. Neyts*, Y. Shibuta, A.C.T. van Duin, A. Bogaerts
"Catalyzed growth of carbon nanotube with definable chirality
by hybrid molecular dynamics / force biased Monte Carlo simulations"

ACS Nano, 4 (2010) 6665-6672.

45. Y. Shibuta*, T. Suzuki
"Melting and solidification point of fcc-metal nanoparticles with respect to particle size:
a molecular dynamics study"

Chemical Physics Letters, 498 (2010) 323-327.

44. Y. Okajima, Y. Shibuta*, T. Suzuki
"A phase-field model for electrode reactions with Butler-Volmer kinetics"
Computational Materials Science, 50 (2010) 118-124.

43. S. Tateyama, Y. Shibuta*, T. Suzuki
"Orientation relationship in fcc-bcc phase transformation kinetics of iron:
a molecular dynamics study"

ISIJ International, 50 (2010) 1211-1216.

42. Y. Watanabe, Y. Shibuta*, T. Suzuki
"A molecular dynamics study of thermodynamic and kinetic properties
of solid-liquid interface for bcc iron"

ISIJ International, 50 (2010) 1158-1164.

41. Y. Okajima, Y. Shibuta*, T. Tsuchiya, S. Yamaguchi, T. Suzuki
"Numerical simulation of switching behavior in Cu/Cu2S nanometer-scale switch"
Applied Physics Express, 3 (2010) 065202.
(selected for the article in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 22, Issue 2.)

40. E.C. Neyts*, Y. Shibuta, A. Bogaerts
"Bond switching regimes in nickel and nickel-carbon nanoclusters"
Chemical Physics Letters, 488 (2010) 202-205.

39. Y. Shibuta*, T. Suzuki
"Effect of wettability on phase transition in substrate-supported bcc-metal
nanoparticles: a molecular dynamics study"

Chemical Physics Letters, 486 (2010) 137-143.

38. Y. Shibuta*, T. Suzuki
"Phase transition in substrate-supported molybdenum nanoparticles:
a molecular dynamics study"

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12 (2010) 731-739.
(selected for the article in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 21, Issue 2.)

37. Y. Tatebayashi, M. Tange, Y. Shibuta, M. Ikeda, T. Suzuki*, I. Jimbo
"Numerical simulation of two-dimensional meniscus surface and its application
to estimation of wetting behavior between solid substrate and melt"

Tetsu-to-Hagane, 96 (2010) 138-140. [in Japanese]

36. J.A. Elliott*, Y. Shibuta, D.J. Wales
"Global minima of transition metal clusters described by Finnis-Sinclair potentials:
a comparison with semi-empirical molecular orbital theory"

Philosophical Magazine, 89 (2009) 3311-3332.
(in special issue: 25 years of Finnis-Sinclair potentials and related issues)

35. Y. Shibuta*, Y. Watanabe, T. Suzuki
"Growth and melting of nanoparticles in liquid iron: a molecular dynamics study"
Chemical Physics Letters, 475 (2009) 264-268.

34. Y. Shibuta*, J.A. Elliott
"A molecular dynamics study of the graphitization ability of transition metals for catalysis
of carbon nanotube growth via chemical vapor deposition"

Chemical Physics Letters, 472 (2009) 200-206.

33. Y. Shibuta*, S. Takamoto, T. Suzuki
"Dependence of the grain boundary energy on the alloy composition in the bcc
iron-chromium alloy: a molecular dynamics study"

Computational Materials Science, 44 (2009) 1025-1029.

32. J.A. Elliott*, M. Hamm, Y. Shibuta
"A multiscale approach for modeling the early stage growth of single and multiwall carbon
nanotubes produced by a catalytic chemical vapor deposition process"

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 130 (2009) 034704.
(selected for the article in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 19, Issue 5)

31. J.A. Elliott*, Y. Shibuta
"Energetic stability of molybdenum nanoclusters studied with basin-hopping Monte Carlo
and semi-empirical quantum methods"

Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 6 (2009) 1443-1451.

30. Y. Shibuta*
"Numerical approach to the phase transition of iron and related properties
at the interface by molecular simulation"

Materia Japan, Vol.48 No.2 (2009) 61-66. [in Japanese]

29. Y. Okajima*, Y. Shibuta, S. Yamaguchi, T. Suzuki
"Numerical simulation of silver pillar growth and switching behavior
in Ag/Ag2S nanometer-scale switch"

Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals, 73 (2009) 589-594. [in Japanese]

28. Y. Okajima*, Y. Shibuta, T. Suzuki
"Phase-field simulation of dendrite growth during electrodeposition"
Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals, 73 (2009) 601-607. [in Japanese]

27. Y. Tatebayashi, M. Ikeda, Y. Shibuta, T. Suzuki*
"Dendrite Growth of Silicon along the Undercooled Melt Surface of Si-45mass%Ni Alloy"
Tetsu-to-Hagane, 95 (2009), 22-25. [in Japanese]

26. Y. Shibuta*, T. Suzuki
"A molecular dynamics study of the phase transition in bcc metal nanoparticles"
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 129 (2008) 144102.
(selected for the article in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 18, Issue 16)

25. Y. Shibuta*, S. Takamoto, T. Suzuki
"A molecular dynamics study of the energy and structure
of the symmetric tilt boundary of iron"

ISIJ International, 48 (2008) 1582-1591.

24. J.A. Elliott*, Y. Shibuta
"A semi-empirical molecular orbital study of freestanding and
fullerene-encapsulated Mo nanocluster"

Molecular Simulation, 34 (2008) 891-903.

23. S. Tateyama, Y. Shibuta*, T. Suzuki
"A molecular dynamics study of fcc-bcc phase transformation kinetics of iron"
Scripta Materialia, 59 (2008) 971-974.

22. S. Tateyama, Y. Shibuta, R. Yoshida*
"Direction control of chemical wave propagation in self-oscillation gel array"
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112 (2008) 1777-1782.

21. T, Koyama, M. Ikeda, Y. Shibuta, T. Suzuki*
"Silicon crystal pulling from the melt of Si-45mass%Ni alloy"
Tetsu-to-Hagane, 94 (2008) 496-501. [in Japanese]

20. Y. Shibuta*, T. Suzuki
"Melting and nucleation of iron nanoparticles: A molecular dynamics study"
Chemical Physics Letters, 445 (2007) 265-270.

19. Y. Shibuta*, Y. Okajima, T. Suzuki
"Phase-field modeling for electrodeposition processes"
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 8 (2007) 511-518.

18. A.C. Powell, IV*, Y. Shibuta, J.E. Guyer, C.A. Becker
"Modeling electrochemistry in metallurgical process"
JOM, vol. 59, no. 5 (2007) 35-43.
[HTML-Enhanced Version in TMS website]

17. Y. Shibuta*, S. Maruyama
"A molecular dynamics study of the effect of a substrate on catalytic metal clusters
in nucleation process of single-walled carbon nanotubes"

Chemical Physics Letters, 437 (2007) 218-223.

16. Y. Shibuta*, S. Maruyama
"Bond-order potential for transition metal carbide cluster for the growth simulation
of a single-walled carbon nanotube"

Computational Materials Science, 39 (2007) 842-848.

15. Y. Shibuta*, Y. Okajima, T. Suzuki
"A Phase-field simulation of bridge formation process in a nanometer-scale switch"
Scripta Materialia, 55 (2006) 1095-1098.

14. Y. Shibuta*, J.A. Elliott
"A Molecular dynamics study of the carbon-catalyst interaction energy for multi-scale
modelling of single wall carbon nanotube growth"

Chemical Physics Letters, 427 (2006) 365-370.

13. Y. Shibuta*, S. Maruyama
"Molecular Dynamics of Generation Process of Double-walled Carbon Nanotubes
from Peapods"

Heat Transfer - Asian Research, 35 (2006) 254-264.

12. Y. Shibuta, S. Maruyama*
"Molecular dynamics simulation of nucleation process of single-walled carbon nanotubes
from a metal cluster on a substrate"

Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineerings B,
72-722 (2006) 2519-2523. [in Japanese]

11.Y. Shibuta, S. Maruyama*
"The effect of catalytic metals of various elements in nucleation process
of single-walled carbon nanotubes"

Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineerings B,
72-722 (2006) 2513-2518. [in Japanese]

10. Y. Shibuta, S. Maruyama*
"Molecular dynamics of nucleation process of single-walled carbon nanotubes
in catalytic CVD method"

Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineerings B,
72-722 (2006) 2505-2512. [in Japanese]

9. Y. Shibuta, S. Maruyama*
"Molecular dynamics of generation process of double-walled carbon nanotubes
from peapods"

Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineerings B,
71-708 (2005) 2117-2122. [in Japanese]

8. Y. Shibuta, S. Maruyama*
"Molecular Dynamics of Nucleation Process of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes"
Thermal Science and Engineering, 12 (2004) 79-80.

7. S. Maruyama*, Y. Murakami, Y. Shibuta, Y. Miyauchi and S. Chiashi,
"Generation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes from Alcohol and Generation Mechanism
by Molecular Dynamics Simulation"

Journal of Nanoscience Nanotechnology, 4 (2004) 360-367.

6. S. Maruyama*, Y. Shibuta
"Molecular dynamics simulation of formation process of single-walled carbon nanotubes"
TANSOC213 (2004) 158-165. [in Japanese]

5. Y. Shibuta, S. Maruyama*
"Molecular Dynamics simulation of Formation Process of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
by CCVD method"

Chemical Physics Letters, 382 (2003) 381-386.

4. Y. Shibuta, S. Maruyama*
"Molecular Dynamics in Formation Process of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes"
Heat Transfer-Asian Research, 32 (2003) 690-699.

3. S. Maruyama*, Y. Shibuta
"Molecular Dynamics in Formation Process of SWNTs"
Molecular Crystals and Liqiud Crystals, 387 (2002) 87-92.

2. Y. Shibuta, S. Maruyama*
"Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Generation Process of SWNTs"
Physica B, 323 (2002) 187-189.

1. Y. Shibuta, S. Maruyama*
"Molecular dynamics in formation process of single-walled carbon nanotubes"
Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineerings B,
68-675 (2002) 3087-3092. [in Japanese]