Department of Materials Engineering
    School of Engineering
    The University of Tokyo

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      WHAT'S NEW:
       New Paper Published Online: (12 Feb, 2025)
       K. Konishi, Y. Shibuta, M. Ohno*
       "Molecular dynamics simulation of solute trapping and drag
       in rapidly solidified Al-Cu alloys"

       Computational Materials Science, 251 (2025) 113763.

       New Paper Published Online: (3 Dec, 2024)
       R. Sato*, S. Kawakami, H. Ejima, T. Ujii, K. Sato, T. Ichiki, Y. Shibuta
       "Dynamic Correlation Analysis between Stress-Strain Curve
       and Polymer Film Structure Using Persistent Homology"

       Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 20 (2024) 10798-10806. (press release)

       (link to archives)

       Review Article Published: (15 May, 2024)
       Y. Shibuta, "Molecular dynamics of solidification"
       ISIJ International, 64 (2024) 1107-1124. (review article)

       Information: (1 Apr, 2024)
       Assistant Professor Ryuhei Sato has joined our group as of April 1, 2024.

       New Paper Published Online: (13 Apr, 2022)
       B. Cheng, J. Yu, T. Arisawa, K. Hayashi, J.J. Richardson, Y. Shibuta, H. Ejima*
       "Ultrastrong underwater adhesion on diverse substrates
       using non-canonical phenolic groups"

       Nature Communications, 13 (2022) 1892. (press release)

       Awards and Commendations: (8 Apr, 2022)
       澁田靖教授が令和4年度文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞(研究部門)を受賞しました.

       New Paper Published Online: (5 Apr, 2017)
       Y. Shibuta*, S. Sakane, E. Miyoshi, S. Okita, T. Takaki, M. Ohno
       "Heterogeneity in homogeneous nucleation
       from billion-atom molecular dynamics simulation of solidification of pure metal"

       Nature Communications, 8 (2017) 10. (press release)

       New Paper Published Online: (3 Jun, 2016)
       H. Suzuki, T. Kaneko, Y. Shibuta, M. Ohno, Y. Maekawa, T. Kato*
       "Wafer-scale fabrication and growth dynamics of suspended graphene nanoribbon arrays"
       Nature Communications, 7 (2016) 11797. (press release)

       Publication updated (11 Feb, 2025)
       Member updated (8 Apr, 2024)
       Research updated (3 Feb, 2024)